Frequently Asked Question

Vibration test QR (non shaft) and QG
Last Updated 4 years ago

Environment: unknown, all vibration tests were done by a third party.

Tests performed:

Sinus endurance test: Standard: DIN EN 60068-2-6

frequency range: 10 - 2000 Hz

test level D / A: 2 mm pp / 30 g

transition frequency: 86,33 Hz

Cycles / axis: 20 (40 Sweeps)

Position: X, Y, Z (extremal)

Sinus frequency test: Standard: DIN EN 60068-2-6

frequency: 55 Hz

test level: 2 mm pp

duration: 30 min

Position: X, Y, Z (average)

Shock test, Standard: EN 60068-2-27

Shape: Half- Sine

Max. acceleration: 30 g

Pulse Duration: 11 ms

Compensation Peak: 20 %

Number of pulses / axis: 3 pos., 3 neg.

Position: X, Y, Z (single)

Shock endurance test, Standard: EN 60068-2-29

Shape: Half- Sine

Max. acceleration: 100 g

Pulse Duration: 2 ms

Compensation Peak: 20 %

Number of pulses / axis: 4000 pos., 4000 neg.

Position: X, Y, Z (single)

EN/IEC 60068

IEC 60068 is an international standard for the environmental testing of electrotechnical products that is published by the International Electrotechnical Commission.

IEC 60068 is a collection of methods[1] for environmental testing of electronic equipment and products to assess their ability to perform under environmental conditions including extreme cold and dry heat. IEC 60068 offers appropriate severities and prescribes various environmental conditions for measurements and tests.

IEC 60068 has three parts:

  • IEC 60068-1: General and guidance
  • IEC 60068-2: Tests
  • IEC 60068-3: Supporting documentation and guidance


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