Frequently Asked Question

CAN I implement the CRC calculation in my software?
Last Updated 2 years ago

It's possible for customer to generate the CRC by themselves, but unfortunately DIS choose not to get involved. Because

1. DIS applies DEKRA standards which defines a CRC check should only be done by human, not automated. This is to prevent some unexpected operations done by automation, with extra human control, only workers with experiences can do the CRC check.

2. The calculation of the CRC can be found in CAN standards EN-50325-5. This is the CANopen Safety standard. A customer implementing a CANopen safety machine should have knowledge of that standards too.

3. DIS advises our customer that DO NOT automate whole CRC check without any human control. We understand that you want to speed up the verification process, but please add enough control steps to the CRC verification process if they insist automating it. only an allowed changing to the parameters should be verified.

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