Frequently Asked Question

How to validate CRC for a CANopen safety sensor?
Last Updated 5 months ago

Please check the CRC codes with the following instructions. Usually, after you zeroed the sensor, or changed any communication parameters of the SRDO, the CRC code is changed and need to be updated too. If this step is missing, the sensor will be forced into an error state and stop sending any SRDO message.

What you see first is a bootup message after you connect the sensor to the CAN network.
Follow the steps below to check if both CRC codes are correct.

1. Set the sensor to pre-operational mode.

2. Check CRC for SRDO
  •  Read the values in object 1301
  • Start the CRC generator.
  • Fill in the Node ID, sensor mode, SCT, SRVT, COB-ID1 and COB-ID2 in object 1301, choose the firmware version. You will see the calculated CRC value highlighted with color green.


  • Read the CRC code in object 13FF, subindex 01. This code should be the same as the code calculated by the CRC tool. If it's different, you need to write the correct CRC code to object 13FF and revalidate it.


3. Check CRC for centering.
  •  Read the values in object 6200. Subindex 01 is the centering value X, subindex 02 is the centering value Y
  • Fill those 2 values in the CRC tool and the CRC centering is calculated and highlighted with color green.
  • Read the value in object 63FF, subindex 01. This is the CRC centering which is saved in your sensor. If it's different than the calculated value, please correct it and revalidate it.

If both CRC codes are correct, the sensor should work properly again.

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