Frequently Asked Question
Where can I find the datasheet?
Last Updated 6 years ago
You can use the search funtion on our website to find the datasheet of your sensor.

Pay attention to the CAN sensors, we use a combined datasheet with C(F)M as the last part in the model name for both CM and CFM versions. For example, you have a QG65N-KDXYh-030-CAN-CM, when you search with the same name, you will get no result:
But when you remove the last part, you will have 2 results, where QG65N-KDXYh-030-CAN-C(F)M is the one you are looking for.

You can also use the product selector to find the product first.

and there you will be able to find the datasheet as well.

On our website, we only show the standard models, when you have a customized model, please contact for the datasheet.
Pay attention to the CAN sensors, we use a combined datasheet with C(F)M as the last part in the model name for both CM and CFM versions. For example, you have a QG65N-KDXYh-030-CAN-CM, when you search with the same name, you will get no result:
But when you remove the last part, you will have 2 results, where QG65N-KDXYh-030-CAN-C(F)M is the one you are looking for.
You can also use the product selector to find the product first.
and there you will be able to find the datasheet as well.
On our website, we only show the standard models, when you have a customized model, please contact for the datasheet.