Frequently Asked Question

Can I use a standard QG40N analog sensor for safety applications?
Last Updated 3 months ago

Q: Can standard QG40N analog sensor be used as a PL/SIL-certified safety device?

The datasheet says that the sensor is not for ISO 13849 Applications.


On the other side the DoC gives values and descriptions for that use. 


 So what is the right information?


The device itself, when used alone, is not certified for PL (Performance Level) or SIL (Safety Integrity Level). However, it can be integrated into a safety system in compliance with EN ISO 13849 under the following conditions:

1. The device is used redudndant.
2. The customer performs a cross-check between the outputs of the devices.
3. The customer verifies that the DC value and calculated MTTFd (Mean Time to Dangerous Failure) value 3. meets the required safety parameters using their system analysis tools (e.g., SISTEMA).
4. When these steps are correctly implemented and validated within the customer's system, the device can be utilized as part of a safety application.

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