Frequently Asked Question
Some datasheets are showing this logo:
The datasheet says:
The Declaration of Conformity says:
An E4 logo succeeded by numbers:
means that the device is also certified and registered by RDW (the Dutch governmental company taking care of approvals for public road vehicles.
If the DIS datasheets shows the E4_Ready logo,
the product has been tested and approved by a Notified Body on the prevailing EMC-standard for automotive, but the product is NOT registered by RDW (the Dutch governmental company taking care of approvals for public road vehicles.
In practice:
If E4_ready is valid for a product, our customers know the product meets the EMC-requirements for automotive. Normally that is enough. In case a customer need also the registration by the RDW in order to create a E4 registered product, DIS sensors can be provide a quotation for initial and yearly costs.