Frequently Asked Question

Temperature coefficient
Last Updated 5 years ago

In the datasheet, the temperature coefficient is specified for users to calculate the output error due to the temperature change.

All reference parameters such as accuracy, resolution, etc are tested with room temperature 25°C typ. The real sensor output will, however, be influenced by many environmental factors, one of them is the temperature. Many electrical components, such as resistance, will change their value at different temperatures. It's important to calculate such an error in your system design.

The temperature coefficient describes the relative change of a physical property that is associated with a given change in temperature. DIS has specified this number in all datasheets. The generic formula for temperature effects is as follows:

∆A = ɑ*∆T


ɑ is the temperature coefficient in the datasheet.

∆T is the change in the temperature in °C/K.


Tref = 25°C, ∆T= 30°C, at T=55°C, a temperature influences in the output can be about 0.005°x 55=0.275° 


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