Frequently Asked Question
Object index and sub-index might mary from models. Please always check the manual for the correct value.
If you want to configure sensor parameters, please use cs (23/27/2B/2F) for write.If you want to check the sensor parameters, please use cs (40) for read.
The format of a SDO message is explained in the picture below
Zero adjustment
This is an example of zeroing an 1-axis inclination at -90° position. The returned value DCB9h / -9031d /-90.31° in object 6200h is the pre-set angle value for X axis.
Change Node ID
This example writes a new Node ID 02h to object 3000h, sensor sent 60 00 30 00 00 00 00 00h as a response message, indicating that the Node ID is changed successfully.
Change Baudrate
This example changes the Baudrate to 250kBit/s by writing 03h to object 3001h.
Set Filter frequency
Write the 1st order LPF time to the object 300Eh will enable this filter.
For example, writing 0064h to sub-index 01h will set 100ms filter time for X axis.
writing 0064h to sub-index 02h will set 100ms filter time for Y axis.
TPDO Mapping
Example – set object 6010h.00h to TPDO1 mapping
Load default factory settings
Write signature “load”ASCII or 64616F6Ch to object 1011h sub-index 01h will restore the factory settings to the sensor.
Save parameters
Write signature “save” or 65766173h to object 1010h , sub-index 01h will save all changes of the settings to the EEPROM.