Frequently Asked Question

Why do I get 200° output from my CAN safety inclination sensor?
Last Updated 4 years ago

A one-axis inclination sensor (always vertical mount) measures the angle in the vertical plane, which is the XY plane(green) or the YZ plane(blue) in the Figure below.

Figure1 - Measurement orientation of one-axis inclination sensor

When sensor is mounted as in Figure1, it can measure ±180° in the XY plane. However, when the sensor tilts in the mean time in the YZ plane, the output will be influenced. Especially when it tilts more than 45 degree in the YZ plane, the angle can’t be accurately measured because the gravitation vectors become shorter. In this case the output is set to 200°. This value indicates that the output is invalid, and the user should consider this situation as UNSAFE.

A two-axes inclinatnion sensor (horizontal mount) measures angle in both XY plane(green) and YZ plane(blue). The same principle is applied. When the longitudinal axis is greater than 45° the output for lateral axis is set to 200°, and vice versa. In fact this turns the sensor into a one-axis sensor, and the lateral axis (indicating 200° should be ignored to stay safe)

Read FAQ-why is there only 1 axis able to exceed a reading of 45 deg at a time?

The output is also invalid when the measuring range limits are reached. Example when angle is 32° for a ±30 device the output is limit to ±30°. For a ±90 device the angle is limited to ±90°.

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